Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday March 1 Class

Sorry to see so many out today. Hope everyone is back again in class soon. We had a good finish to the unit on getting a downpour of God's blessing. We had a good discussion on the Holy Spirit and it being the key to staying in tune with God. We also had a ton of prayer requests......

* Jeff Davis- the tumor is back on his brain and has grown since the last scan. There will be a biopsy Friday. Remember Mary and Katie also in your prayers.
* Keith's grandma is severely ill and now under hospice care
* Keith and Jana- good news on Kaleb's surgery, tubes/tonsils/adenoids removed with no major problems
* Andrea and Danny- Caleb looks to being doing better, the hole in his heart seems to be smaller improving.
* Jana P. - coworker has terminally ill kid, 8 year old named Jake.
* Tim- coworker lost his life while serving for National Guard in Iraq
* Aron- praised God he made it thru job cuts at work, he still has employment
* Andrea- Isaac Austin test after seizure showed small issue, looks like he will have to take medicine.
* Andrea- Brian Roberts(her brother) having serious interviews for another job, this one in Houston.
* Ross-contemplating career change, seeking God's guidance

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