Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday March 29th

Hang in there!! God has a blessing for you and will pull you through all difficult situations. Ultimately we have to get to understanding God's direction for our life. Once we are there the tough situations will not be hard to us anymore.

Prayer Requests
Jeannie- General Hospital rotation
Pat Delange- loss of her husband
Dana & Jason- Reece(newborn) has heart issues and looking at a procedure
Ken- dealing with ALS
Amy T.- friend's child(2) facing open heart surgery, raising daughter
Delaschmidt family- son facing surgery for gunshot wounds
Michelle W. - career decision

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday March 22

We need to be in tune and seeking God's will in all that we do. We are so blessed that He is in control. Thanks for forgiveness as we get off course from time to time as well. What a great time of sharing today, thanks to all who spoke up in class.

Chase & Heather- selling their house
Aron- Shelby having surgery tomorrow, moving bones and stretching tendon inside her left leg
Aron & Danielle- schedule with girls, taking care of Shelby while she recuperates
PRAISE- Amanda Mundy got a job
Isaac Austin- another seizure today, but MRI revealed brain abnormality is not cancer(PRAISE) but where brain didn't completely grow as a child.
Angie & Brian Roberts- adjusting to new job in Huntsville, Brian will commute while girls finish school and Angie ties up everything
Continue to remember Mike & Kelly as they look for Mike's next job
Amy and Lora traveling this week
Jeff Davis waiting on test results

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 15th Notes

The truth is being ignored around us all the time and it is our responsibility to hold to it and share with others. Also not to be so selfish and ignore when others help us as well.

Prayer List
Aron- Danielle and the girls as they adjust to parents situation
Thelma Waters family in her passing
Jeff D. and the test results
Aron- friends that have been visiting, hoping God leads them to join
Amy T- traveling this week, divorce situation
Kailee F.- doctors find out what is wrong
Keith P.- grandma passed away this week
boss' wife has cancer
Jeannie who is out sick

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday School March 8

Good lesson on honoring God today. Hopefully we can follow Isaiah's example in being willing to serve and go on God's behalf.

Andrea & Danny- nephew Isaac had another seizure at school Monday, he is now on medication and being very careful. Pray it stops the seizures.
Jeff Davis- biopsy moved to tomorrow at 2:00
Aron- friend having marital trouble, pray for Aron as he ministers to his friend
Mike-still looking for job, going to be laid off from Dupont
Jeannie- sister Amanda looking for work
Michelle- considering returning to school for nursing since laid off work
Nation/Economy/Job Situation

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday March 1 Class

Sorry to see so many out today. Hope everyone is back again in class soon. We had a good finish to the unit on getting a downpour of God's blessing. We had a good discussion on the Holy Spirit and it being the key to staying in tune with God. We also had a ton of prayer requests......

* Jeff Davis- the tumor is back on his brain and has grown since the last scan. There will be a biopsy Friday. Remember Mary and Katie also in your prayers.
* Keith's grandma is severely ill and now under hospice care
* Keith and Jana- good news on Kaleb's surgery, tubes/tonsils/adenoids removed with no major problems
* Andrea and Danny- Caleb looks to being doing better, the hole in his heart seems to be smaller improving.
* Jana P. - coworker has terminally ill kid, 8 year old named Jake.
* Tim- coworker lost his life while serving for National Guard in Iraq
* Aron- praised God he made it thru job cuts at work, he still has employment
* Andrea- Isaac Austin test after seizure showed small issue, looks like he will have to take medicine.
* Andrea- Brian Roberts(her brother) having serious interviews for another job, this one in Houston.
* Ross-contemplating career change, seeking God's guidance

Check Out Rafael on Channel 5 News

Rafael's latest TV appearance........